The losses of staying too late

The losses of staying too late

The increasing use of digital technology has increased the duration of the sitting of people. Today man does not know how much time he spends throughout the day. The people who work in the office according to an estimate (desk workers) The most of the numbers are spent by sitting 10 hours, due to which they don’t have time for physical activities. The lack of physical activities where the human being is influenced by the dynamic, there is also on his health. However, the loss of spending time is not only the result of the lack of physical activities but also causes different health problems. Experts are more dangerous than the use of a lot of sugar and cigarettes to spend more time. If you If you spend most of the day of the day, awareness about these problems is very important for you.

This is why if you are doing a job in which more time passes, it is important for you to get up after every half hours and take a few steps. Your this activity is also less than the other risks with improving the health of the heart. Will do.

Harmful for the health of the heart

Two groups on behalf of scientists, in which a group of drivers (spend all time) and the survey results taken on the group of other Canadian security guards have revealed that people who spend more time of the day There are many different types of heart diseases in the other group, despite these my̰ںmkẖtlf lifestyle and routine routine. Researchers say that while sitting time is a harmful effect on the process of digestion of sugar and fat. Which increases the risk of heart.

Cause of pain in back and bones

Sitting style is the cause of pressure on your mslz, neck and spine, which is dangerous for your health. Choose a chair for work, whose height and structure is more for you. Be comfortable. However, take care of walking and moving the body despite that. A research published in the British general of sports medicine, according to a research, 9 to 10 hours or more of the people living in it I have a lot of risk of back pain. Researchers have advised that spending at least 2 hours throughout the day can be saved from the pain of back pain.

Weight Increase

More time watching TV, time on a computer makes your weight increase. No matter how much you workout, staying longer is hard to lose weight. If you do exercise. This is a great activity but don’t let the benefits of this activity be damaged by sitting more time. In addition to exercise, keeping the body moving in the other times of the day is also healthy by using the glucose in the blood.

The danger of death increases

Yes! After a long time, the risk of death increases. The Leading University of America reviewed 8000 people in research on the losses of spending more time. Know the results. It happened that those who stay at a place in the hours and do not move, the risk of death in them is twice more than the other people. Researchers arrive at the result of spending 9 to 10 hours in the day. There are problems related to blood problems, which increase the risk of death.

The growing of sugar level

As a result of spending more than the day, the lower number of calories collapsed, due to which the experts are too late to connect with an important hormone insulin. Insulin is such a hormone that you have. Kẖuly̰ạt helps to provide glucose for energy and when human body is not able to make insulin, this disease is called as dẖy̰ạbṭy̰s. Medical experts are aware that every hour that is spent and spent is the risk of dẖy̰ạbṭy̰s type to 22 Increases the percentage.

Ạnzạỷٹy̰ and depression

Sitting too late is also an impact on human mental health. Because of this, depression or ạnzạỷٹy̰ can also be done because people who spend time while sitting are far away from the ạy̰ḵsrsạỷz of healthy and mood. This is not the people of the sun. Far away from light and facing tensions in social relationships. All these problems can cause loneliness and depression to humans.

The reason for cancer

Sitting for a long time increases the risk of these types of cancer, which are related to your weight or my̰ٹạbwlḵ function. They have breast cancer, large intestine cancer and a ḵy̰nsrsẖạml of internal membrane of pity. On the other side experts It is said that the risk of breast cancer chances of breast cancer in older women is doubled than women who do not sit long.

Increase in the ạmḵạnạ of ڈy̰my̰nsẖy̰ạ

According to a report, a die of ڈy̰my̰nsẖy̰ạ is increasing in every 3 seconds around the world. One reason for the increase in this period is too late. It is too late for the experts to sit in a mental illness. I can increase the pain in human beings. The disease in human beings increases the fear of heart, dẖy̰ạbṭy̰s, cholesterol and cholesterol. All these feelings are linked to increasing the chances of this disease.