The Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer
•• Lung Ca with worst prognosis - Small cell Ca
•• Lung Ca most responsive to radiotherapy- Small cell Ca
•• Lung Ca most responsive to chemotherapy- Small cell Ca
–– Most common type of lung Ca- Adenocarcinoma
–– Most commonly metastasizing to opposite lung - Adenocarcinoma
–– Most common type in females- Adenocarcinoma
–– Most common type in nonsmokers- Adenocarcinoma
–– Most common in young- Adenocarcinoma
–– Most common in peripheral location- Adenocarcinoma
•• Second most common lung Ca - Squamous cell carcinoma
•• Most common cavitating lung - Ca Squamous cell carcinoma
•• Best prognosis among lung Ca - Squamous cell carcinoma
•• Most common to produce hypercalcemia- Squamous cell carcinoma