The MOST COMMON Cancer in Australia is Skin Cancer

The MOST COMMON Cancer in Australia is Skin Cancer —> Colon Cancer —> Breast Cancer —> Prostate Cancer —> Lung Cancer

The best screening test should have High sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value.

The most effective screening method wordwide is FETAL OCCULT BLOOD TEST at the age of 50 for Colon Cancer

Pre 18 Years Screening: Screen always for Alcohol and Depression + LEAD Levels

Post 65 Years Screening: Visual Acuity and Hearing

Breast Cancer Self Screening: In those over >20 years of age, done at 3-5 days after the menstrual cycle. The best maneauver is CIRCULAR MOTION

Breast Cancer Screening: PE by a doctor every 3 years in those between 20-40 years of age. Then by Mammorgraphy every 2 years in women between 50-74 years of age

Breast Cancer Screening in High Risk Patients (One FIRST DEGREE RELATIVE WITH BREAST CANCER UNDER <50 YEARS OF AGE: PE by a doctor every 3 years in those between 20-40 years of age. Then by Mammography every 2 years in those between 40-74 years of age.

Cervical Cancer Screening: Cytology every 3 years between 21-29 years of age, then Cytology + HPV from 30-65 years of age, stop at 65 years if 3 negative results. If one positive result? Continue for 10 years, example: at 64? continue till 74 with the same intervals 3-3-3

Cervical Cancer Screening in Australia: Pap Smear Every 2 Years from 18-70 or Start at 2 Years after the FIRST SEX whoever comes first till 70 years of age. Abnormal LSIL Dysplasia? Rescreen at 12 Months, At 69? Continue for 10 years till 79. Abnormal HSIL Dysplasia? Colposcopy

FIGO Criteria for Cervical Cancer

Colon cancer screening starts at 40 years, or 10 years before the first colon cancer in family, which ever comes first, every year (every 2 years in Australia) with fetal ocupt blood test, every 5 years by sigmoidoscopy, and every 10 years by colonoscopy, every 3 years if a cancer was resected or large multiple polyps are found.

Colon Screening in HIGH RISK FAP: Every 1 Year in those between 10–35 Years of Age, then every 3 years in those over >35 years of age

Colon Screening in HIGH RISK LYNCH Syndrome: Every 1-2 Years in those over >20-25 Years of Before 5 Years of the first Cancer in the Family

Colon Screening in Crohn’s Disease / UC Ulcerative Colitis: Every 1-3 Years starting from 8-10 Years after Diagnosis

DUKES Criteria for Colon Cancer

Prostate Cancer Screening is NO LONGER RECOMMENDED.

Prostate Cancer Screening OLD Protocol: DRE Rectal Examination every 1 year in those over >40 years or age then by DRE Rectal Examination + PSA Levels (BOTH) every 1 year in those over >50 years of age

Gleason Criteria for Prostate Cancer

Lung Cancer Screening: Only in Smokers with 30-Pack Year between 55-80 Years of Age / Current Smokers / Ex Smokers in the Last 15 Years. By Spiral or Helical CT

Skin Cancer Screening: Only in Arsenic Exposure / Post Transplantation / Previous Skin Cancer / More Than >5 Atypical Nevus. By PE Every 6-12 Months

Diabetes Screening: Fasting Blood Sugar Every 1 Year in those over >40 Years of Age or in those with BMI over >25. Every 1 Year by Fasting Blood Sugar in ABORGINAL AUSSIES aged over >12 Years of age

Oropharyngeal Cancer / Oral Cavity Screening: Every 1 Year in Smokers Only

HIV Screening: Once in those between 16-65 Years of Age / Homosexuals / Unprotected Sex

Hepatitis B Screening: Only in Homosexuals / Unprotected Sex / IV Drug Users

Hepatitis C Screening: Only in Homosexuals / Unprotected Sex / IV Drug Users

Lipidemia Screening: Every 5 Years in Those Over >35 Years of Age.

HT Screening: Every 2 years in those over >18 years of age. Every 3 Months in Diabetes

Eye Examination / Screening: Every 2-3 Years. Every 6 Months in Diabetes / DMARD / Hydroxyquine Anti Malaria

TSH Screening: Every 5 Years in the General Population. Every 6 Months in Hypothyroidism. Every 3 months in Lithium Bipolar Patients / Amiodarone / Digoxin Oubin

AAA Screening: Once Only hose who smoked at least once between 65-75 years of age.