The ossification center of pisiform bone appears at the age of -

The ossification center of pisiform bone appears at the age of -

  1. 10-11 years

  2. 12-13 years

  3. 14-15 years

  4. 15-16 years


Appearance of ossification centers of carpal bones

Bone Average Variation

Capitate 2.5 months 1–6 months

Hamate 4-5.5 months 1–7 months

Triquetrum 2 years 5 months to 3 years

Lunate 5 years 2-5.5 years

Trapezium 6 years 4–8 years

Trapezoid 6 years 4–8 years

Scaphoid 6 years 4–7 years

Pisiform 12 years 8–12 years