The root cause of asthma is weak lungs

The root cause of asthma is weak lungs. Go to the problem where you are wounded, not the problem. That’s why your sickness will come back because you don’t solve the disease, you are just solving the pain.

When your lungs are weak it will hold on to diseases like;

  1. Asthma

  2. Bronchitis

  3. Pneumonia

  4. PTV

  5. Primary Complex

  6. Emphysema

  7. Eczema

  8. Skin diseases

  9. Skin Ashma

  10. Psoriasis

Let’s strengthen the lungs through nutritional guidelines and disciplines within the 45 days program. Before everyone watch the health forum with doc atoie to be given nutritional guidelines for your illness and we also have free online consultation. For those who want to consult online with doc atoie just pm me so I can assist you online.