The Syndrome of the couvade

The Syndrome of the couvade
While their partner is pregnant, some fathers experience symptoms associated with pregnancy. For example, they have special food cravings or gain weight. These future dads experience this kind of empathy symptoms in response to their partner’s pregnancy. This is called “couvade”.

This syndrome, which is not a disease, is more common than we believe. In The United States, the phenomenon would affect 25 to 52 % of fathers, especially those expecting a first baby. However, men would tend not to talk about these symptoms.

The symptoms
The syndrome consists of a wide variety of physical and psychological symptoms felt by man during the pregnancy of his partner. Usually, symptoms appear in the 1St Quarter, mostly disappear in the 2nd quarter and come back more intensely in the 3nd term to disappear often at the birth of the baby or shortly after.

The most common physical symptoms are nausea, vomiting, stomach burns, change of appetite, tooth pain, weight increase, food cravings, diarrhea and even abdominal pain. However, abdominal pain and diarrhea are not necessarily symptoms of couvade.

Some future fathers may also experience symptoms that affect their psychological well-being. For example, they may experience mood swings, nervousness, irritability and concentration problems.

Several theories try to explain the phenomenon of couvade.
The could be a hormonal reaction. According to some studies, this syndrome may be linked to a decrease in progesterone. In addition, men who suddenly produce more prolactin, an important hormone during pregnancy and breastfeeding, are more likely to experience such symptoms. After the birth of the child, these fathers also have a stronger emotional reaction to their baby’s signals.
The Couvade could express a will of the father to get physically involved in the pregnancy of his partner. By the way, in some traditional societies, the transition from young man to father’s status is marked by a ritual of couvade.
For some men, this would be a way to express their anxiety and fears about the health of the baby, their anguish of having to manage a new member in the family or the fear of not knowing how to take care of the child at birth. On the other hand, men who feel more easily of distress in front of other people’s negative emotions would be more likely to be affected by couvade.
The would be a reaction to the transition to the role of father. It would allow the father to adjust to the emotions associated with his new role. Men who have had prenatal classes are more often affected by the. This syndrome could therefore manifest due to the father’s commitment during the pregnancy of his wife and his preparation for his role as a father.
The could also be explained by the impression of being put away in a period where attention is mainly towards the mother. Men who know symptoms of couvade evny their spouse’s ability to carry a child. They may also fear losing their place with their partner.
If the mother takes care of the kitchen, her cravings and her growing food needs could cause a change in the family’s diet. This could contribute to the weight of the future dad and his gastrointestinal discomfort.
What to do?

Several strategies can be put in place to help the future father better live this passage.

Promote good lifestyle. For example, limit food too fat or too sweet, avoid snacking, have a diverse diet, drink enough water, do physical activity and take time to rest.
Talk about her emotions to his wife and consult various resources to reassure yourself in her concerns. Sharing his life as a future dad can also help.
Get involved in pregnancy to avoid feeling excluded. The Future Father can participate in prenatal classes, accompany his wife to medical appointments and ultrasound, take care of administrative procedures for birth, prepare the nursery, etc.
Caress the belly of his wife and talk to the baby regularly. This exercise will make it possible to get in touch with the baby.
If you have symptoms of couvade, talk to your doctor too. This phenomenon can raise questions in your couple that deserve to be answered. Each person reacts differently to stress, and these symptoms may indicate that you need the help of a health professional so that your spouse’s pregnancy takes place in the best possible well-being.

To remember
Many future fathers may experience pregnancy symptoms themselves.
Symptoms Can be both physical and psychological.
Couvade could be due to hormonal changes, but also to the transition of man to his new role as a father.
The Father who is experiencing symptoms of couvade should discuss it with his wife or doctor, as needed.