They are caused by a virus called human papilloma virus (HPV)

They are caused by a virus called human papilloma virus (HPV)
-These are very common skin lesions which often affect young children.
-In adults genital warts can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. In this form certain strains (HPV 16 18 31 33) can cause cancerous transformation and are responsible for cancer of the cervix.
-Warts are the result of contagion. However warts may never form even though the virus is present in the skin.
-It is not understood why warts go away or persist. Usually the average lifetime of a wart is under two years.
-Treatment options include salicylic acid, cryotherapy….CO2 laser treatment can be attempted in persistant lesions. Sometimes, the best is to do no treatment especially if the treatment could result in the appearance of scars with functional consequences (soles of the feet).
