This has been going on for at least three weeks now

HELP! Waiting on the doctor to call me back. This has been going on for at least three weeks now. It has only gotten worse over time. At first I thought it was eczema but this is definitely not eczema. I itch so bad I make myself bleed. I itch from my feet all the way up to my neck. The only thing that doesn’t itch is my face. But my hands are severely itching all day long. I think is MCAS because they get more itchy at night time but to the point that it wakes me up at night and I have to get in the shower. I just called my doctor so that she can prescribe me some sir text or Claritin to see if that helps. I’ve never had this before in my life is so severe I’m going crazy and I’m in a very bad mood. Honestly this is just a simple because it’s like this all over my body. It’s a bunch of itchy bumps all over my body that in the bleeding from scratching. The main issue with the kitchen in the hands I have one big bump on my right hand and a bruise on the left hand. It’s usually my middle finger and thumb that itch the most. Please guys tell me what you think this is.