This woman presented with pain and fever and a history of gluteal implants

This woman presented with pain and fever and a history of gluteal implants.
:dart:CT: Bilateral subfascial gluteal silicone implants, which are dense compared to the surrounding fluid. Right implant is malrotated by 180 degrees and surrounded by an enhancing fluid collection. Left implant has a smaller but thicker-walled enhancing fluid collection with surrounding subcutaneous stranding.
:dart:Severe complications related to gluteal/buttock augmentation. There is a large seroma surrounding the right implant, with rotation of the implant by 180 degrees; notice how the convex surface is directed toward the gluteal musculature rather than posteriorly like the left implant. The collection surrounding the left implant has a thicker wall with inflammation of the surrounding fat, which is strongly indicative of infection. These implants were surgically removed and the abscesses were drained