Today they give information about Nimrod, whom God has blessed, but he has decided to be his lord instead of his blessing

Today they give information about Nimrod, whom God has blessed, but he has decided to be his lord instead of his blessing.

The interpretation of Nimrod is the son of Nimrod, the son of Nimrod, son of Canaan, son of Noah, who was born in Babylon, and there was some differences in his genealogy. Hazrat Mujahid says, " the world is the kingdom of the world, who has the kingdom of the east of the Two of the believers, the unbelievers, the son of David, the son of David, and the family of al-Qarnayn,
Since there was a period of time and a long time, this king came out, so that he was in the mind, and the ạnạny̰t had arrived, and the pride and pride and pride were in nature, and some people said, " he was ruled for four hundred years (interpretation of Shirk)

It is the word of al-in that ‘Nimrod Bin Canaan’ was a great king. First, he placed the crown royal on his head. No King was wearing a crown before he was forced to worship the people, the priest and the astrologer. In his court, Nimrod was close to him. And Nimrod saw a dream that a star went out, and the moon and the sun and all the stars were light, and the priests and the chaldeans gave the interpretation of this dream. There will be a son who will be the downfall of your kingdom. When he heard it, he was troubled and said, " the child who is born in my city shall be killed, and the men shall be separated from women - so thousands of children were killed, but who can remove the God of God? During the same time Hazrat Ibrahim (pbuh) was born and the fear of the king, his mother gave him a place in a cave of the mountain far away from the city. He hid his mother in the cave and gave her mother daily milk. Seven years old, and brethren said, " you have been raised up in the cave for years
(the spirit of, J 3, p 59, P 7, Ạlạnʿạm: 75)

Nimrod had implemented this law across his kingdom that he had taken all the things of food in his tahweel. He only gave food to those who used to recognize his God. So one Then Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) came to take the grain in his court, and the bad one said, " do you accept me as your God, and I will give you grain and Ibrahim (Abraham) declared ali in his court. You are a liar, and I am the only one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one

And he brought you out of the court and did not give a grain. You and some of your followers who were believers were upset with the intensity of hunger. Then you took a pegs and came to a mountain. In the bags, they brought the sand and asked the Lord of the holy one, and he became the sand. and you fed him up and ate yourself. Then the enmity of Nimrod increased to the extent that he threw you into the fire. But the fire became gulzar on you, and you came out of the fire with peace, and he told the words of God to be a liar, and he said to him, " God has frustrated your word The day called you in your court and started the following conversation.

Nimrod: O Ibrahim! (Muhammad), tell them, " who is your Lord, that you worship him
Hazrat Ibrahim: O Nimrod! My Lord is he who gives life and causes death.
Nimrod: this is what I can do, so he gave two prisoners to death in the court and the other was released. Nimrod left the hanging and hanged the scumbag. He said, " see that which was dead, I gave it to the dead and the living that I had dead

Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) understood that nimrod is a fool and a very great man who has understood the meaning of ‘jilạnے and hitting’, so you presented a second very clear and bright proof in front of him. So you said:
Hazrat Ibrahim: O Nimrod! My Lord is the one who brings forth the sun from the east, and if you are Allah, then remove the sun from the west.
After listening to this proof of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), he was surprised and did not speak anything. This is how the scene ended and Hazrat Ibrahim (pbuh) came out of the court and came out of the court. The sermon of Ali began to be declared.

The Qur ’ an has told the words of this scene in these words:
The Quran said, " have you not seen him who dispute with Abraham about his Lord, when he gave him the kingdom? He said, " My Lord is the one who gives life and death and he said, " I will surely die Abraham said, " God brings the sun out of the east, and you bring it out of the west, so that you may become reminded of the unbelievers. But God does not guide the unjust (3, Maidah: 258)

Zaid Bin Aslam said, " Allah has sent an angel to the king he came and invited him to Allah, but he did not accept it, but he refused to accept it, but they refused to call them to Allah for the third time, but they refused to deny it. Then the angel said to him, " please prepare your army, and I will bring my army and Nimrod prepared a great army, and they took a great army to the ground, and they came to the ground. Allah has opened a door of mosquitoes, the big mosquito came to this often that people did not even see the sun, the army of Allah fell down on the nmrwdy̰wں and the blood of them in a little while, did their meat heroin And all of them were destroyed, and the skeleton of the bones left. One of them went into the congregations of Nimrod, and he was eating his mind for a long year. in such a punishment he remained in the punishment that death was thousands of grades better than his head. The walls and stones were about to fall on the rocks and the rocks, and the unfortunate men were destroyed.

In the Qur ’ an, Allah says:

Have you not seen him who has given the kingdom of Allah to be a kingdom of the kingdom? When Abraham said, “My Lord is the one who gives life and death he said,” burn “I can also kill you Abraham replied,” God brings the sun out of the east, and you will drive him out of the west and the unbelievers became surprised. God does not guide the unjust people.