Treatment options

Treatment options
Please note that formulations/routes and doses may differ between drug names and brands, drug
formularies, or locations. Treatment recommendations are specific to patient groups:

suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection
1st infection prevention and control
» Immediately isolate all suspected cases in
an area separate from other patients, and
implement appropriate infection prevention
and control procedures. Detailed guidance is
available from the World Health Organization
(WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC):
» [WHO: infection prevention and control during
health care when novel coronavirus (nCoV)
infection is suspected]
» [CDC: interim infection prevention and control
recommendations for patients with confirmed
2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) or persons
under investigation for 2019-nCoV in healthcare
» Report all suspected cases to your local health
plus supportive care plus monitoring
Treatment recommended for ALL patients in
selected patient group
» Immediately start supportive care based on the
clinical presentation.
» Oxygen: give supplemental oxygen at a rate
of 5 L/minute to patients with severe acute
respiratory infection and respiratory distress,
hypoxaemia, or shock. Titrate flow rates to reach
a target SpO₂ ≥90%.[68]
» Fluids: manage fluids conservatively in
patients with severe acute respiratory infection
when there is no evidence of shock as
aggressive fluid resuscitation may worsen
» Symptom relief: give an antipyretic/analgesic
for the relief of fever and pain.[68]
» Monitor patients closely for signs of clinical
deterioration, such as rapidly progressive
respiratory failure and sepsis, and start general
supportive care interventions as indicated
(e.g., haemodialysis, vasopressor therapy, fluid
resuscitation, ventilation, antimicrobials) as
adjunct empirical antimicrobials

Treatment recommended for SOME patients in
selected patient group
» Consider starting empirical antimicrobials in
patients with suspected infection to cover other
potential bacterial pathogens that may cause
respiratory infection according to local protocols.
Give within 1 hour of initial patient assessment
for patients with suspected sepsis. Choice of
empirical antimicrobials should be based on the
clinical diagnosis, and local epidemiology and
susceptibility data.[68]
» Consider treatment with a neuraminidase
inhibitor until influenza is ruled out.[68]
» De-escalate empiric therapy based on test
results and clinical judgement.