True about visual testing in a child

True about visual testing in a child –
a) Visual evoked potential
b) Teller’s acuity card test
c) Perimetry
d) Keratometry

    1. ac
    1. a
    1. ad
    1. ab

0 voters


  • The ordinary tests types can not be used with young children who are easily distracted and may not know alphabets. So maturation of infant visual function has been studied by two techniques :-
  1. Pattern visual evoked response/potential (VEP)
  2. Preferential looking behaviour eg. Teller or Cardiff acuity card
  • Other tests include :-
  1. Keeler - Elliot test
  2. Kay picture test
  3. Fooks symbols
  4. `E’ test
  5. Landolt ‘C’ chart
  6. Sheridon - Gardiner
  7. HOTV
  8. Opticokinetic nystagmus
  9. Photostress test
  10. STYCAR (sight testing for young children and retarded)