Ultrasound of Gut (Gut recognition)

  • Stomach :-
    _ The stomach shows normal gastric rugae (thick elongated folds).
    _ These fold become less prominent at distal stomach (pylorus / antrum).
    _ The collapsed stomach shows variable wall thickness.
  • Small intestine :-
    _ The small intestine shows valvulae conniventes / plicae circulares (thin closely spaced folds).
    _ These folds become less prominent at ileum.
    _ These are more easily seen when there is fluid in the lumen of the bowel or the valvulae are edematous.
    _ Air within the small intestine usually has smooth continuous appearance.
  • Colon :-
    _ The large intestine / colon shows colonic haustrations (thick widely spaced folds).
    _ These folds become less prominent at cecum.
    _ Air within the colon usually has bubbly appearance.