Vortex vein invasion is commonly seen in

Vortex vein invasion is commonly seen in

2.Malignant melanoma
3.Optic nerve glioma

Malignant melanoma - melanoma of the choroid is the most common primary intraocular tumour in adults and accounts for 85% of uveal tissue, during the sixth decade

a. Earliest pathognomic sign at Quiescent stage is appearance of orange patches in the pigment epithelium due accumulation of the lipofuscin

b. Glaucoma may develop due to obstruction to the venous ouƞlow by pressure on the vortex veins

c. The tumour may fill the globe before perforating the sclera or this may occur relatively early along the perivascular spaces of the vortex veins or ciliary vessels

d. Liver is most common site of metastasis

e. If the tumour breaks through Bruch membrane it acquires a mushroom shaped appearance

Brachytherapy is frequently the treatment of first choice