What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among who didn’t use oral contraceptives?

What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among who didn’t use oral contraceptives?
a) 630 / (50 + 630)
b) 75 / (245 + 75)
c) 50 / (50 + 630)
d) 245 / (245 + 75)
e) Insufficient data
Key: True: c 50/ (50 + 630)

In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000