What is the most appropriate initial step in diagnosis for this child?

A 5 yo boy presents to you with 4 days of productive cough with whitish sputum & SOB. His mother reports that he has had multiple episodes of URTIs in the past, & recently a few classmates at school were sent home because of cough & fever. She reports that he has had no fever or rhinorrhea, no GI symptoms, & no ear pain. On examination the boy his afebrile but tachypneic & mildly tachycardic.There is end-expiratory wheezing bilaterally.
Q1. What is the most appropriate initial step in diagnosis for this child?

A. CBC count with differential
B. Measure peak expiratory flow rate
C. Sputum smear
D. X-ray of the chest

Q1. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Pulmonary tuberculosis
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Acid reflux
D. Whooping cough