What preparation during pregnancy?

What preparation during pregnancy?
It is useful to take advantage of pregnancy to learn, meet breastfeeding women, participate in information sessions for future parents, read a book about breastfeeding, visit websites giving correct information, etc. This will allow you to have more confidence in yourself.

Are my boobs ready to breastfeed?
Quite naturally, your boobs get ready during pregnancy. Stretching, stretching, pinching nipples (breast ends) is useless. On the contrary, you may get hurt. The presence or not of colostrum during pregnancy does not bode well for your ability to breastfeed.
Don’t worry, your baby will be able to suck even if your nipples are flat. He will be quite able to get them “out” and bring the milk in.

When do I have to put my baby in the breast for the first time?
The ideal thing is to let your baby discover and breastfeed as soon as possible after giving birth. It’s in the first hour of life that babies most want to suck, and usually do it very well. If no necessary medical care is required, uninterrupted skin contact between you and your baby from birth for a good time is the best. Non-essential care immediately (weighing, dressing, etc.) ) may be postponed to the end of this first meeting. However, if your baby is put into the breast later, don’t worry. Wait patiently for him to want to suck. Give him time to learn, to seek. In the hours and days after birth, keep your baby as often as possible against you.

Is it normal to hurt during the first feeding?
In the first feeding, womb contractions can be painful. They help the uterus to quickly regain its size. Your nipples can be particularly sensitive. This is perfectly normal and it won’t last. In case of severe and / or severe pain, do not hesitate to ask a person competent in maternal nursing.

Do I already have milk in the first few days?
In the first few days, your boobs produce colostrum. It’s a thick, yellow or orange liquid, very rich in vitamins and antibodies. This is the ideal food for newborn babies. Your baby gets it in a small amount: that’s exactly what he needs. Bottles of water, sweet water, herbal tea or milk are useless and can make it difficult to start your When to propose breast to my baby?

During the first few weeks, as soon as your baby starts waking up, you can put him inside. you will easily recognize that your baby is ready to suck if he stays close to you, within your eyes. You don’t have to wait for him to cry. Here are the signs that show that your baby is ready to suck: he makes mouth moves, shoots his tongue, carries his hand to the lips, seeks to suck anything near his mouth, he moves his arms and the legs. This is called " breastfeed on demand " or " breastfeed at awakening ".

Skin to skin at birth
The newborn who can benefit from an early and prolonged skin with his mother is learning faster to breastfeed effectively because her sucking reflex was not disrupted and was able to be put into practice from his first moments out of the womb. The following feeding are doing better.
But this continuous contact has many other advantages:

It helps the newborn to maintain body temperature It strengthens the mother-child relationship It promotes metabolic adaptation and stability of baby blood sugar. The risk of newborn jaundice is reduced. There is an increase in the duration of breastfeeding The baby is first colonized by her mother’s bacterial flora and not hospital bacteria The more uterine contractions are increasing, which promotes spontaneous removal of the placenta and the involution of the matrix. The baby cries less and sleeps more quietly during the following hours this contact

How many times a day will my baby suck?
Every baby is different and head according to their needs. The number and duration of feeding can change greatly from one day to the next, depending on the baby’s request. In the same day, the duration of the feeding also changes and the feeding can be very close together. For example, a baby can suck less often in the morning and more often at night. Most newborn babies are 8 to 12 times per 24 hours.

How do I install my baby during feeding?
A proper position and breast grip allow good production of colostrum and later milk. This is also how you will avoid having boobs hurt.

Place your baby with his whole body in front of you so that he doesn’t have to turn his head to take the breast. Support him, with his hand or arm, at the neck, shoulders and back, all against you, his nose placed at the nipple level. At this point, your baby is leaning slightly backwards, her top lip touches the nipple, which encourages her to open her mouth. Bring him closer to the breast when his mouth is wide open. Her chin then touches the breast, his nose is clear

One breast, two boobs every feeding?
To start breastfeeding well, try to offer both boobs to each feeding. If you start with the right breast, preferably start the next feeding with the left breast.

What care to my boobs?
washing your boobs once a day is enough. The natural smell of your boobs attracts baby. Choose a soap, foam bath or shower gel.
Do not use eosin, alcohol products, hair dryer on your boobs. They skin the skin and make it more fragile.
After feeding, you can spread a drop of colostrum or milk on your nipples and areolas. This is better than any cream, sanitizer, etc.
If you have a sore nipples, try to find the cause.

Should we avoid supplement bottles?
Giving supplement bottles may have disadvantages. Your baby doesn’t head in the breast like he drinks on the bottle, whatever the pacifier mark. If your baby receives bottles (water, sweet water, herbal tea or milk), it may confuse the sucking in the breast with the bottle. Then it will lower your breast and get less milk.
In addition, what your baby drinks from the bottle, he won’t claim it in the breast. So you produce less milk right away and in the next few days. The less your baby head, the less milk you produce.

What do you think of using the and tute (lollipop)?
The (lollipop) can be a problem, because it can reduce the number of feeding. In addition, suck the lollipop can tire your baby. He may fall asleep very quickly before drinking enough.
The is a kind of pacifier of the end of the breast, usually silicone. She puts herself on her breast during the feeding.
It is better to avoid this because its use may reduce your milk production.
In some very special cases, the use of teat or lollipop may be useful.

What does the term “milk rise” mean?
What is generally called the " Milky Rise " gives a false idea of what happens after birth: milk does not " go up " to fill them. If your boobs are swollen, it’s because blood circulation is more important at this time. Your boobs are starting to produce milk in greater quantities. This physiological congestion is much less important if the baby head effectively and without any restrictions on duration and frequency. The importance of this congestion may vary from woman to woman. She can even manifest itself in different ways in the same mother from birth to birth. If the areola is tense, we can offer you to extract a little milk with your fingers to relax it. Your baby will be more easily.