When you want to get pregnant, some times are more favourable than others

What are the signs of ovulation?

When you want to get pregnant, some times are more favourable than others. But how can we recognize that moment when our fertility is at its fullest and when sex is most likely to be fertile?

The ovulation period is indeed very short since it averages 2 days, the day of ovulation and the day before. The fertility period, the moment the fertility is peak, spans 5 days, 3 days before ovulation and 1 or 2 days after. Knowing that an ovum’s life is 24 hours, better not to miss this moment to maximize your chances of making a baby!

Still need to know when we’re going to ovulate… There are several signs that indicate it as the cervical glair which becomes more transparent and elastic to let sperm pass. Right after ovulation, body temperature also rises slightly (half degrees more).

How long is my menstrual cycle?

If you don’t want to bother drawing your temperature curve for several months or observe your cervical glair for your fertility period, you can also use our ovulation calculation tool. Just know the first day of your last rules (remember to mark it on a calendar so you don’t forget! ) and the duration of your menstrual cycle to have a calendar summarizing the fertility period, the moment of ovulation but also the time to use an ovulation test or pregnancy test.

Note that every woman has a cycle of her own. It is determined by the first day of the rules and the first day of the rules following. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days but can be longer or shorter. It breaks down into three phases: follicular phase (14 days including period period), ovulation phase (one day) and luteal phase (14 days). If you have a shorter cycle, the fertility period will come before the 14 days, if you have a longer menstrual cycle, it will be after. For example, for a 30 day cycle, ovulation will take place around day 16 or 17

Is ovulation calculation an effective method of contraception?

Warning: This calendar to calculate your ovulation date is only a help if you want to have a child and not a method of contraception. This method, considered ′′ natural ′′ contraception, is not very reliable, especially if you have an irregular cycle. Better use more trustworthy contraceptive devices if you don’t want to get pregnant like condom (male or female), pill, IUD or contraceptive implant. For more information on contraception, please contact a gynecologist or your general doctor.

What is the fertility period?

Around this date, we also have the fertility period, that is, the most favourable time to have sex (or use another method of reproduction) to conceive a child. This phase takes an average of five days (four or five days before the ovulation date and one or two days after).

Again, it remains theoretical. A woman can very well get pregnant out of the fertility period. It can also be triggered at an unforeseen date. We talk about spontaneous ovulation then.