Which of the following indicate Ca breast

Which of the following indicate Ca breast -

    1. Serous discharge
    1. Recent retraction of nipple
    1. Ulceration of nipple
    1. Cracked nipple
    1. Cellular atypia

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  • Recent retraction of the nipple may be of considerable pathological significance. A slit-like retraction of the nipple may be due to duct ectasia and chronic periductal mastitis, but circumferential retraction, with or without an underlying lump, may well indicate an underlying Ca.
  • Although ulceration of nipple may occur in Ca breast, but may occur in other conditions also.
  • Cracked nipple may occur during lactation and be the forerunner of acute infective mastitis.
  • Various degrees of cellular and architectural atypia (Atypical hyperplasia) occurs in ‘Ca in situ’ and ‘breast Ca’.