Which of the following is caused by temporal lobe lesions?

Which of the following is caused by temporal lobe lesions?

Primitive reflexes
Visuospatial neglect
Wernicke’s (receptive) aphasia (Correct)

Lesions of the frontal lobe include difficulties with task sequencing and executive skills.
Other symptoms include:
Expressive aphasia (receptive aphasias are due to a temporal lobe lesion)
Primitive reflexes
Perseveration (repeatedly asking the same question or performing the same task)
Anosmia and
Changes in personality.
Lesions of the parietal lobe include:
Astereognosis (unable to recognise an object by feeling it) and
Vvisual field defects (typically homonymous inferior quadrantanopia).
They may also cause alcalculia (inability to perform mental arithmetic).
Lesions of the temporal lobe cause:
Visual field defects (typically homonymous superior quadrantanopia)
Wernicke’s (receptive) aphasia
Auditory agnosia, and
Memory impairment.
Occipital lobe lesions include:
Cortical blindness (blindness due to damage to the visual cortex and may present as Anton syndrome
where there is blindness but the patient is unaware or denies blindness)
Homonymous hemianopia and
Visual agnosia (seeing but not percieving objects - it is different to neglect since in agnosia the objects are
seen and followed but cannot be named).