Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged during the surgery?

A 48-year-old college football coach undergoes a radical prostatectomy for a malignant tumor in his prostate. Following surgery, he is incapable of achieving an erection.Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged during the surgery?

(A) Sacral splanchnic nerve

(B) Pelvic splanchnic nerve

© Pudendal nerve

(D) Dorsal nerve of the penis

(E) Posterior scrotal nerve


The answer is B. Parasympathetic preganglionic fi bers in the pelvic splanchnic nerve are

responsible for erection of the penis. Sympathetic preganglionic fi bers in the sacral

splanchnic nerve are responsible for ejaculation. The pudendal nerve supplies the external

anal sphincter and perineal muscles and supplies GSA fi bers to the perineal region.

The dorsal nerve of the penis is a terminal branch of the pudendal nerve and supplies

sensation of the penis. The posterior scrotal nerves are superfi cial branches of the perineal

nerve and supply sensory fi bers to the scrotum.