Which of the following statements is not correct for Ethmoidal polyp-

Which of the following statements is not correct for Ethmoidal polyp-

    1. Allergy is an etiological factor
    1. Occur in the first decade of life
    1. Are bilateral
    1. Are often associated with bronchial asthma

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  • Ethmoidal polyps are multiple bilateral polyps arise from the numerous ethmoidal sinuses.
  • Ethmoidal polyps mostly occur in adult age, However any age group can be affected.
  • Nasal polypi are mostly seen in cases of allergic rhinitis and therefore ethmoidal polyps are considered of allergic origin.
  • There are various diseases associated with polyp formation :- chronic rhinosinusitis, asthma, cystic fibrosis, kartagener 's syndrome, young’s syndrome, churg - strauss syndrome, nasal mastocytosis, aspirin intolerance.