Which one of the statement is NOT most appropriate management

34 yrs man is brought by his wife to see you .she explain that he has had a worsen sore throat for last 4 days . he has sever pain thats is worsen when he talk or swallow .which one of the statement is NOT most appropriate management

  1. Steroids may be useful in reducing symptoms and in speeding recovery in patients with peritonsillar abscess.
  2. Initial empiric antibiotic therapy for peritonsillar abscess should include antimicrobials effective against Group A streptococcus and oral anaerobes.
  3. Treatment for peritonsillar abscess should include drainage and antibiotic therapy.
  4. Peritonsillar aspiration is a technique well suited for the family physician who has had appropriate training
  5. Most patients with a peritonsillar abscess can NOT be treated in an outpatient setting.