Why urine culture/sensitivity even the UA is normal?

E: Urine analysis +C/S

Her condition is normal. WHen babies are born, they have no control of their sphincters: regurgitation, fecal/urine incontinence. It becomes pathologic at age 4 (encopresis poop 4 letters) or 5 (nocturnal enuresis urine 5 letters).

So, what should you order in a patient with urine incontinence?
Rule out the MCC of incontinence: infection.
Order a UA + C/S,

A. renal ultrasonography: indicated for first UTI in patients less than 2 years old, reccurrent UTI or abnormal imaging (reflux, Hydronephrosis, obstruction, renal scarring).
B. Renal failure causes oliguria, not polyruia
C. 24-hr urine protein test is the screening test of choice for orthostatic proteinuria, not for enuresis. This test measure the amount of protein excretion daytime vs night.
D. Test Used to differentiate btw primary hyperparathyroidism (Ca exc over 250) vs familiaal hypercalcemia hypocalciuria (less than a 100).