With this lockdown period for COVID 19 Pandemic

With this lockdown period for COVID 19 Pandemic- everyone is spending time at home :house:- just to spend some good time posting herewith a case . Hope it will help you to get out of this boredom-

46 years old female presented with infra umbilical incisional hernia with pain around the swelling.

She was operated by me one year back for perforation peritonitis- resection anaestomosis of ileum done , with specimen delivery through infra umbilical small incision.

CT abdomen revealed large 5.9 x 8.4 cm defect

Patient was insisting on MIS repair

Planned this patient for e- TEP RS repair but invariably it is found that in my practice I land up doing TAR ( atleast unilateral ) to close the PRS in such borderline cases of around 6-8 cm defects.

So in this patient- I decided not to do TAR but utilize the hernia sac for closure of PRS defect .

Presenting herewith e- TEP RS repair for large infra umbilical hernia with Midline crossover in epigastrium.

Come & join with me for the premiere show of the case scheduled Today 28 th March 2020 at 4 pm

It is almost complete operation with step by step voiceover - speed 1.650 x

OR time - 146 min

Hope this will help in your day to day practice .

My sincere thanks :pray:t2: to Prof. Jorge Daes; Igor Balynsky & B. Ramana to teach us this novel technique of e- TEP .