Women's race (Sciatica)

Women’s race (Sciatica)
Symptoms of reasons and diagnosis

The pain of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ is the pain that comes to lmbạỷ with sẖy̰ạٹḵạ (Sciatica) rig. It is due to applying on the sẖy̰ạٹḵạ vein in the spine. Sẖy̰ạٹḵạ rig is the most long vein whose branches are spine. From under the bone of the bone, the hips reach the feet of the legs, the legs, the feet of the gٹnے. with the ability to feel they also provide some option on the muscles of legs.
The pain of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ is usually in one side of the body or in one leg. The pain of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ may be light or extreme, and it can be more late than sitting. Pain is more than the hips and more in the legs.


General Signs and symbols are included

  • usually the pain of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ starts from under the spine on the side of the leg.
  • usually pain is only one side. Rarely, both of them are together in the legs.
  • the pain increases from sitting
  • the feeling of jealousy with numb, jھnjھnạہٹ, and pain in the affected leg or foot
  • from light to extreme pain. Pain of pain can feel the den of electricity shock and can increase its intensity by sneeze or cough.
  • some patients can also feel the weakness of muscles in the affected leg.
  • the feeling of the pain of pain from standing
  • the pain of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ can be light and sometimes but in some patients it can be extreme and continuous.
  • such patient, those who have lost their lower parts, they have to lose their control, and complain about bےḥsy̰ and jھnjھnạہٹ, they must get medical aid immediately. Treatment depends on the problem. ڈẠḵڑ For reasons and symptoms, ʿirq confirms the ạlnsạʾ.


ʿIrq Ạlnsạʾ is usually the time when the sẖy̰ạٹḵ of the spine is the pressure of the spine. It is also called spạỷnl sٹy̰nwss (spinal stenosis). Some other reasons of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ are listed.

  • Inter-Wrٹy̰bl Discs (intervertebral discs) means disk between the spine of spine, which works pillows for spine, due to neutral or loss of pہwncẖnے.

  • the condition of spwnڈy̰lw lstھss (Spondylo-Listhesis) in which a participates of spine is ahead or slip back.

  • the ạy̰nٹھn of muscular in hips or back

  • the fry̰ḵcẖr of the bone of belly (there) or the injury on it

  • any unwillingness on the spine

  • during pregnancy

The factors of the risk of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ:

The following risk factors are caused to increase the possibility of being ʿirq.

The patient of the mwٹạpے whose weight is more
The pressure on the spine is more than the abuse of the weight, which makes a change in it, and it can be hurt by ʿirq.


Changes are in the spine with age, like the seals’s outside. These changes may also be hurt by ʿirq ạlnsạʾ.


The abuse of gratitude in blood is affected by the nerves and the risk of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ increases.

Injury during everyday ḵےḵạm:

People whose work can be complain for more rotating, car or mwٹrsạỷḵl to run more late, or add heavy weight to the ʿirq ạlnsạʾ.

Stay sitting for long time:

People with disabled lifestyle, who are mostly sitting, are more likely to be ʿirq.


ʿIrq Ạlnsạʾ is usually diagnosed based on signs and symbols.
It is the feeling of numb, pain or jھnjھnạہٹ that is hips from the bottom of the waist and usually in a leg
It is a simple test that is called the test of a leg. It helps the doctor in the diagnosis of the test disease. It is called the patient to lay straight and the bari leg is called to carry in straight condition. If the patient is suffering in lifting a leg, it is the symbol of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ.
There are some tests of the diagnosis of ʿirq ạlnsạʾ besides medical diagnosis, which includes:

O M G EMG (Electromyography)
Spine of spine
Backbone of spine (Computed Tomography)
Spine of spine (Magnetic Resonance imaging)

Sometimes this kind of symptoms can also be done for more serious reasons. For example spine infections, spine.
Fry̰ḵcẖr Syndrome Syndrome (Cauda Equine Syndrome). The symptoms of ḵạw̉ڈạ ạy̰ḵwạn syndrome are listed.

  • numb and legs in numb or jھnjھnạہٹ

  • don’t be able to be able to take the care of

  • weakness in foot or leg
    There are symptoms of fry̰ḵcẖr in the spine

  • suddenly extreme pain, in which you get peace.

  • minor injury due to heavy weight in people of weak bones

  • big accident like the accident during traffic on the road

  • Bgڑnạ of spine structure