Your input has been hugely appreciated and valuable to us

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Hi Everyone,

Thanks again for all of your feedback and support over the last few months as we develop our carepatron care management and collaboration hub. Your input has been hugely appreciated and valuable to us : )

We wanted to feedback your feedback on the following tagline and mission statement. Which one do you prefer? Please comment below. The fun is sometimes on the journey!

Version 1:

Simple Care software

Carepatron is the complete care management & collaboration hub for people who provide care (or receive).

How we help you

Record your care notes, documentation and manage your schedule

Comply with security and HIPAA privacy requirements

Easily collaborate with your team, clients and their family

Get home on time. Go mobile, save time, and reduce errors.

Version 2:

Care together, the right way.

Easily record notes, organise your work and seamlessly collaborate with both staff and clients—all in one highly secure and straightforward care software.

Before Carepatron: Care feels complicated and disjointed, sometimes things slip, it can be tough to remember details and people are stressed. Paper and fragmented processes everywhere.

After Carepatron: Everything’s captured and organised in one place, you’re on top of things, records are clear, and your work feels more manageable.