25-year-old female, sign?

25-year-old female, sign?

Colloid nodules are non-neoplastic benign nodules occurring within the thyroid gland. They form the vast majority of nodular thyroid disease.

Colloid nodules are composed of irregularly enlarged follicles containing abundant colloid. Some colloid nodules can be cystic (cystic colloid nodule) and may contain areas of necrosis, hemorrhage and/or calcification. A colloid nodule may be single or multiple and can vary considerably in size.

comet tail appearnce from inspissated secretions in the follicles … thyroid colloid nodule !

mildly hypoechoic well-circumscribed nodule with brightly echogenic internal foci which shows comet tail artifacts.

TIRAD 5 papillary ca

No! … findings ? sign?