64-year-old male ACA infarct is uncommon, unlike MCA infarct which is much common

64-year-old male ACA infarct is uncommon, unlike MCA infarct which is much common

early hyperacute: 0 to 6 hours

late hyperacute: 6 to 24 hours

acute: 24 hours to 1 week

subacute: 1 to 3 weeks

chronic: more than 3 weeks

ACA subacute infarct with pseudo-normalization of ADC … 7-15 days

Isnt insular cortex qnd lateral aspect of frontal lobe irrigated by MCA?

And it seems like there is hipersignal in medial aspect of ocipital lobe (PCA)?

there is frequenly overlap in the vascular territories due to normal variations and invovlvement of the anterior most MCA and water shed area may occur depending on whether there is already compromized MCA with little or no collaterals. for the occipital lobe it is in the lower cuts but in the upper cuts comes the posterior paietal lobe or there is little or no occipital lobe in the superior cuts .Plz check the video. Thank you so much for the keen observation

Thankyou for the explanation!!