A 29 year old lady presents with a history of scanty menstruation for 3 years

A 29 year old lady presents with a history of scanty menstruation for 3 years. Further questioning revealed that her menarche was at 14 years of age, and menstrual cycles were regular for 5 years after menarche, but had become progressively infrequent. For the past 3 years she had no spontaneous menstruation and only withdrawal bleeding after administration of hormones. Evaluation at a local hospital revealed grossly elevated serum follicle stimulating hormone level and low serum oestradiol level. Her antimullerian hormone levels are 0.2 ng/ml. Ultrasonogram shows 2-3 ovarian follicles on either side measuring in the range of approx. 2-4 mm. She was referred to our clinic for further management. She is desperate to conceive. What would be best management option for her

What is the diagnosis? Can anyone explain?

She has premature ovarian failure. Her serum fsh values are high and serum amh values are very low almost of menopausal age. That is why her follicle size is very less. Egg size not likely to improve much even if we give treatment for such harmone values. So donor oocyte is preferred