A 33-Year-old woman presents to the emergency with diffuse, cramping abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting that began this morning

A 33-Year-old woman presents to the emergency with diffuse, cramping abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting that began this morning. The abdominal pain is diffuse throughout and the patient also describes her abdomen as looking slightly enlarged. She has a history of chronic pancreatitis, as well as a cholecystectomy and two cesarean sections. The patient states that she has had flatus but no bowel movements since the pain began. On physical examination, there is diffuse abdominal distention and high- pitched bowel sounds without rebound tenderness of guarding present. Given the clinical picture and upright x-ray of the abdomen shown in the image, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    1. Colon cancer
    1. Mesenteric ischemia
    1. Pancreatitis
    1. Small bowel obstruction

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