A 37-year-old woman is brought to the hospital by police after she was found wandering in the street

A 37-year-old woman is brought to the hospital by police after she was found wandering in the street. She is disheveled and
malodorous and appears malnourished. Although she smiles pleasantly and agrees to be interviewed, it is difficult to hold her
attention. The patient gets up from her chair several times to stare at the air conditioning vent and put her ear against the wall as if
listening for something When asked about her behavior, she says, “Jingle jangle, doctor, jingle jangle.” She has no medical history.
The patient had a psychiatric hospitalization in her 20s but cannot remember any details of her treatment. A urine toxicology screen,
pregnancy test, and blood alcohol level are negative The patient is alert and oriented. Temperature is 36.7 C (98 F), blood pressure
is 110/70 mm Hg, pulse is 88/min, and respirations are 16/min. A decision is made to admit herio the psychiatric unit, and she agrees
with this plan Which of the following medications is the most appropriate initial treatment for this patient?

  • QA Clozapine
  • 0 B. Haloperidol long-acting injectable
  • 0 C. Lithium
  • 0 D. Lorazepam
  • 0 E. Quetiapine
  • 0 F Risperidone long-acting injectable
  • 0 G. Sertraline

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Key E
In acute psychosis with co operative pt , no need for injectable medications,
Second generation antipsychotic have low Extrapyrsmidal side effect profile over first generation …