A few days back in the evening a woman came to our pharmacy with her 4 year old child

A few days back in the evening a woman came to our pharmacy with her 4 year old child, the child has been coming to Wakwaki for a while. After answering some questions, he came to know that the child had fallen from the window of the room, but some injuries were not hurt. Then we asked him to send his baby immediately to the nearest hospital where MRI is at. He was unaware of such hospitals and when we called potential hospitals immediately, Annapurna Neuro Hospital and provided neuro emergency services.

Woman takes her child to hospital. The other day when we realized, the child’s MRI report had some blood frozen inside the head, and now the child is in observation.

The woman came three days after being taken to the hospital, she thanked her, the child reached the hospital on time and the doctors got the chance to take proper treatment. And now the child is being treated at home through medicines.


In Nepal, the primary health center of almost 90% of the patients is a pharmacy and you don’t know when and what condition the patients are in.

This is why the pharmacits or Assistant pharmacies working in pharmacies should also have a little knowledge of triaging so that at least, they can advise to go to the hospital as much as possible for emergency services. .

Post: Pharmacist Kabin Maleku/pharma info nepal