After free exit of R1 , will i be eligible for mop up?

After free exit of R1 , will i be eligible for mop up?

Free exit of ai R1 would not result in any ineligibility for ai mop up (if no other joining post this in ai R2 or state R2)

  1. As in free exit in ai R1, not allotted any seat in ai R2 or not joined in a state R2 seat - eligible for ai mop up

  2. free exit in ai r1, allotted in ai R2 and did not join, or allotted in state R2 and did not join - eligible for ai mop up

But after free exit in ai r1,

if you attend ai R2 and join the ai R2 allotted seat not eligible for ai mop up.

Or if you attend state r2 and join the state R2 allotted seat not eligible for ai mop up.