All about the meconium, baby's first stool

All about the meconium, baby’s first stool

Stool composed of amniotic fluid absorbed into the uterus. If it comes to saddles, since they come out through the anus, the meconium doesn’t really look like the “poop” we know.

Meconium refers to the first stool of the newborn, which are usually expelled just after birth and during the following days.

The " good news " on the other hand is that the, unlike " real " Baby Stool, is odourless.

The Meconium, saddles that say a lot about the baby’s health
The expulsion of the meconium by the baby just after birth, or even sometimes during birth (especially when the baby arrives in the seat, due to the abdominal reduction) is a good thing: it indicates that the baby’s digestive system is getting into Route, let his digestive organs prepare for the arrival of food, which was until then provided by the blood system.

In Concrete Terms, the meconium has a brown, green or even black appearance, and consists of intestinal materials and debris (secretions and other secretions, intestinal cells that have detached from the digestive tube), as well as the amniotic fluid that the foetus has taken up in utero . The whole thing has a rather sticky, sticky consistency.

Since the is present in the digestive system of the foetus well before birth, it is sometimes studied in the context of research on the exposure to pollutants and toxins, including exposure to heavy metals and pesticides. Because some pollutants pass the placental barrier, and may have an impact on the risk of stillbirths, birth weight, etc.

If the meconium usually makes its appearance within 12 hours of birth, it may not be evacuated, or evacuated with an unusual delay, due to a meconium cap formed in the bowel. Constipation Problems can follow, or even, in the most serious cases, intestinal occlusion. This may itself be the result of a defects in the digestive system, Cystic fibrosis or the disease of hirschsprung, a disease due to the absence of certain nervous ganglia that control the bowel. But don’t panic, the midwife or the doctor knows the procedure to follow. A Barium Enema, a x-Ray Study of the bowel and the rectum will allow, if necessary, to make the diagnosis and take off the meconium of the intestinal wall to allow its evacuation.

The, when of spreads into amniotic fluid

In Rare Cases, a of release may occur in utero during pregnancy. We talk about tinted amniotic fluid, or meconium amniotic fluid. The danger is obviously the ingesting of the amniotic fluid by the foetus: If, in normal time, the intake of amniotic fluid is without consequences, it can lead to complications if it is “polluted” by of, which will usually be seen On the ultrasound.

The expulsion of meconium by the foetus in utero usually happens when the foetus comes to lack of oxygen, for various reasons: to preserve its heart, brain and other vital organs, the foetus will by reflex increase intestinal movements and release the sphincter Anal, causing an expulsion of meconium. This one may be without consequences, especially if the baby is close to the term. If, however, the foetus swallow of, it is said to be respiratory syndrome, which is accompanied by respiratory distress: particles of meconium deposit under the vocal strings, and mechanical blocking of the respiratory system may occur. So the idea is to act before the newborn breathes.

An Obstetrics Suction of meconium in the pharynx can thus be practiced before the first breathing, using a tube. The baby will then be closely watched, and antibiotics will be required if the medical team suspect an infection.