American anesthetic association says that clopidogrel should be withheld how many days before surgery?

American anesthetic association says
that clopidogrel should be withheld how
many days before surgery?
a) 1 day
b) 1 week
c) 3 weeks
d) 4 weeks
Correct Answer - B
Ans. B. 1 week
[Ref Ajay Yadav 3’/e p. 46]
Preoperative modifications of pre-existing drugs
Drugs which can be stopped Drugs which can be continued
till the day of surgery
Conventional dose aspirin &
clopidogrel (antiplatelets)-I Antianginal (except aspirin)
week before surgery Antiepileptics
Oral anticoagulants - 4 days
before & switch to heparin,
which is stopped 12 hours prior
to surgery
Antihypertensives (except AT-II
antagoists) Levodopa
Oral hypoglycemic (metformin)

  • 48 hours before urgery Digitalis
    and switch to insulin TCAs
    AT-II antagonists (losartan,
    valsarton) - 1 day prior Low dose aspirin
    Lithium - 48-72 hours before
    MAO inhibitors - 3 weeks
    before surgery
    Note: Antiplatelet drugs like clopidogrel and conventional dose of
    aspirin should be stopped 7 days prior to surgery.
    But low dose aspirin can be continued till the day of surgery.