Anatomy_highyield_points 1-10

  1. At T12
    Thoracic duct
    Azygos vein
    At T10
    R+L vagus
    Left gastric vessels
    At T8
    Right phrenic nerve

  2. T1-T4 superior mediastinum ( at sternal angel)
    T4-T12 inferior mediastinum

  3. trachea start at cricoid cartilage at C6. And divide at t4 level

  4. parietal pleura and pericardium by phrenic And lung and visceral pleura by vagus and pulmonary plexus
    Parital peritoneum supply by lower thoracic and first lumbar plus obturatar nerve in pelvis and visceral by autonomic

  5. lymph from lung
    Superficial plexus - bronchopulmonary nodes- trachea bronchial- bronchial mediastinal
    Deep plexus - pulmonary nodes - broncho pulmonary nodes

  6. heart sounds
    Tricuspid valve - tricuspid area (lower end of body of sternum)
    Mitral valve - over the apex (left 5 ICS)
    Pulmonary valve - left 2nd ICS
    Aortic valve - right 2nd ICS

  7. esophagus
    Starts at C6
    Pierce the diaphragm T10
    Blood supply
    Upper Inferior thyroid A
    Middle descending thoracic A
    Lower L gastric A
    Lymph nodes
    Upper Deep cervical LN
    MIDDLE mediatinal LN
    LOWER L gastric and celiac LN

8)) scrotum Skin
Superficial fascia ( Dartos Muscle)
spermatic fascia ( EOM)
cremastric FAscia ( IOM)
SPERMATIC FASCIA ( fascia transversalis)
Tunica vaginalis

9)) spermatic cord structures
The vas deference
The testicular artery and vein
The cremastric artery
The autonomic nerves
The artery of vas deference
Ilioinguinal nerve
Remains of process vaginalis
Genitofemoral nerve

  1. lymph drainage of testis and epididymis
    Para aortic LN at 1st lumbar Vertebrae