Anatomy of a tooth

:new_moon:The forensic study of teeth.

:new_moon:Your front teeth

:new_moon:Teeth used primarily for ripping and tearing

:new_moon:Back teeth, you have 3. Used for crushing and grinding.

:new_moon:2 Teeth in front of the molarsā€¦used for crushing and grinding.

:new_moon:Number of teeth that an adult has

:new_moon:Number of teeth that a child has

:new_moon:Another name for "baby teeth

:new_moon:You can tell this from looking at teeth by how ground down the teeth are.

:new_moon:Three basic parts of the tooth
:heart: Cementoenamel Junction
:heart:, Root

:new_moon:2 parts are in the Crown
:heart:1. Anatomical crown (Covered with enamel)
:heart:2. Clinical crown (Portion visible in oral cavity)

:new_moon:Cementoenamel Junction located
:heart:indentation around entire tooth
:heart:the junction of crown and root

:new_moon: Root part of the tooth
:heart:Anatomical root (Covered with cementum)

:new_moon: dental arch is fixed jaw
:heart:Maxillary Arch

:new_moon:dental arch is moveable jaw
:heart:Mandibular Arch

:new_moon:Which arch overlaps the other arches teeth when in occlusion?
:heart:The maxillary Arch overlaps mandibular teeth with in occlusion.

:new_moon:arches anterior teeth are slightly smaller than the other
:heart:Mandibular Arch

:new_moon:When looking into the patients oral cavity ā€¦
the dental professional goes off the patients right and left.

:new_moon: decidiuous teeth?
:heart:Baby teeth

:new_moon: function of the primary incisor teeth
:heart:cut or bite into food

:new_moon: function of the primary canine teeth
:heart:Aids in tearing food.

:new_moon: function of primary molar teeth
:heart:Grind and chew food

:new_moon: function of permanent incisors teeth
:heart:cut or bite into food

:new_moon:function of permanent canine teeth
:heart:tear or rip into food

:new_moon: function of permanent premolars
:heart:Pulverize food by breaking it down into smaller particles

:new_moon:function of permanent molars
:heart:Masticate or chew food

:new_moon: mixed dentition period?
:heart:time period when both primary and permanent teeth are in dentition together

:new_moon: exfoliation
:heart:process of ā€œsheddingā€ a primary tooth

:new_moon: Succedaneous Teeth?
:heart:Permanent teeth that replace the primary teeth.


  1. Mesial
  2. Distal
  3. Facial (Labial)
  4. Lingual - Anterior, Palatal- posterior
  5. Incisal
  6. Buccal
  7. Occulsal

:new_moon: the mesial surface
:heart:surface toward the midline

:new_moon:the distal surface
:heart:surface away from the midline

:new_moon: the facial (libial) surface
:heart:Surface that the face touches lips ā€œoutsideā€

:new_moon: the ligual surface
:heart:surface that touches the tongue, and on the maxillary arch often referred to as PALATAL

:new_moon: the incisal surface
:heart:Biting or cutting edge

:new_moon:the Buccal surface?
:heart:surface that touches the cheeks, ā€œoutsideā€

:new_moon:the Occulsal surface?
:heart:Chewing surface

:new_moon:When does your primary teeth began eruption? what tooth is it?
:heart:6-10 months old, central incisor

:new_moon:When do your primary teeth eruption ends? what tooth is it?
:heart:24-32 months, second molar

:new_moon:When does your permanent tooth eruption begin and what tooth is?
:heart:6-7 years, central incisor/1st molar

:new_moon:When does your permanent tooth eruption end? and what tooth is it?
:heart:17-21 years, third molar

:new_moon: arch begins eruption first
:heart:Mandibular arch begins
eruption before the Max arch