As an athlete, it is so heart breaking to have an ACL injury

As an athlete, it is so heart breaking to have an ACL injury.

Ever since I got injured 2018, all I could wish for was to play the way I used to. I look back to the time that I felt I was unstopable no matter what and everytime.I just wish I could get my life back.

Now 2022, finally I got my surgery and I praise God he got me covered financially. Coz without the insurance of my new job I would never have the money to go through it.

During the 2 weeks post op I discover, the pain is real, sleepless nights are real, the fight between the urge to just rest vs therapy excercise is real, the mental health challenges is real… the battle is real.

Though despite this all, I hope and pray for better days.

Allow me to pray for all of you as I find strength in praying for myself 🙏 .


Though it is hard to understand why of all people we are to go through this, yet I trust that we go through this for we are being made stronger.

I pray for your healing for all who are reading this and for all who go through this similar pain and challenges.

Give us your comfort, give us your strength.

Allow us to see those loving people who support us.

Help us see that in this healing process we learn to appreciate ourselves and the resilience we hold.

We surrender to you our sleepless nights, anxiety, and depression. Replace it with hope, strength, hope and healing.

In Jesus name.


Let us all look forward to better days