Best pharmacology book with best knowledge for indian student

Best pharmacology book with best knowledge for indian student

One kind suggestion to u… i studied KDT for first few chapters… i felt it was not thaat explainatory… then i moved on to Goodman gillman… then i really loved pharm over any other subject but i couldnot able to pass… i WAS REALLY THAT ADDICTED TO GOODMAN GILLMAN … but it did not fetch me good marks… but
It takes really lot of time to finish a chap in goodman gilman… u will feel like u know everything but… u need to revise for that … it will take nearly 1 yr of dedicated hardwork to finish goodmangillman once fully… then …when will u revice for other subjects… get GG ONLY TO MAKE SOME INTEREST IN PHARM… but KDT WILL NOT GIVE THAT FORCE TO READ… but KDT WILL ONLY FETCH U MARKS

Leave every book study shinoy and shanbag best book rest shit one of best kunji i hv ever seen in my mbbs