Bleuler's symptoms for schizophrenia are all except

Bleuler’s symptoms for schizophrenia
are all except?
a) Loosening of association
b) Affect disturbances
c) Autism
d) Hallucinations
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is ‘d’ i.e., Hallucinations
Eugen Bleuler renamed dementia precox as Schizophrenia. He
recognized that schizophrenia is a group of disorders rather than a
distinct entity. Therefore, he used the term, a group of
Bleuler described the characteristic symptoms (fundamental
symptoms) for schizophrenia which are also known as 4 'A’s of
Bleuler :?

  1. Ambivalence (coexistence of two opposite feelings and attitude
    towards the same thing in the same person at the same time).
  2. Autism (Preoccupation with fantasies, delusions and hallucinations
    to the exclusion of reality).
  3. Affect disturbances (e.g., inappropriate affect)
  4. Association disturbances (e.g., Loosening of association, thought
    He also described accessary syptoms of schizophrenia : - delusions,
    hallucinations, and negativism.