Bleuler’s symptoms for schizophrenia
are all except?
a) Loosening of association
b) Affect disturbances
c) Autism
d) Hallucinations
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is ‘d’ i.e., Hallucinations
Eugen Bleuler renamed dementia precox as Schizophrenia. He
recognized that schizophrenia is a group of disorders rather than a
distinct entity. Therefore, he used the term, a group of
Bleuler described the characteristic symptoms (fundamental
symptoms) for schizophrenia which are also known as 4 'A’s of
Bleuler :?
- Ambivalence (coexistence of two opposite feelings and attitude
towards the same thing in the same person at the same time). - Autism (Preoccupation with fantasies, delusions and hallucinations
to the exclusion of reality). - Affect disturbances (e.g., inappropriate affect)
- Association disturbances (e.g., Loosening of association, thought
He also described accessary syptoms of schizophrenia : - delusions,
hallucinations, and negativism.