Ciprofloxacin is the preferred drug for prophylaxis in individuals over 18 years as just a single dose of 500mg suffices

Ciprofloxacin is the preferred drug for prophylaxis in individuals over 18 years as just a single dose of 500mg suffices. It is not recommended routinely for infants and children less than 18 yrs. It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating. Rifampin can be given for all ages. However, it needs to be given BD for 2 days. It is also contra-indicated in pregnant (in whom ceftriaxone is recommended).

Awesome explanation ma’am… but if rifampicin is contraindicated in pregnancy… how can we use it in tb in pregnancy

Beta, in meningococcal prophylaxis in pregnancy we have a very simple and straightforward great alternative to rifampin as ceftriaxone single dose.

Rifampin is the most effective drug in TB along with INH. Do we have an equally effective Rifampin alternative for TB in pregnancy

Thanku so much Mam,but as mentioned in this table Rifampicin for less than one month is it preferred in less than one month