Congratulations to all those who cleared plab 2 recently

Congratulations to all those who cleared plab 2 recently. I would like to know what are the mistakes to avoid? Especially from repeaters

My experience

While preparing for the exam:

  1. Never rush taking the exam

  2. Never follow blindly the academy notes

  3. Practice a lot with different people with clear approach/ structure

  4. Watch some videos on YouTube regarding OSCEs in the UK ( like CSA osce videos)

On the day of the exam:

  1. Be calm and speak clearly and loudly

  2. Never give advices because you have memorised but rather you deeply understand why

  3. Try to forget your mistakes and not to take to the next station ( this is difficult one)

  4. They twist cases a lot by testing us if we are scripted or not ( a lot of us fall in this trap), therefore take your normal history, never think you know the case

I attended one academy and read the scripts of another one, and practiced with candidates from third academy. I can reassure you that most of the effort depends on the candidate and academies are there for only one reason.

Just go with the patient and try to address all concerns raised by the patient regardless of the pattren you are following in your consultation. Try to address the concerns there n then if you are not able to bring all the concerns back in your management.