Corona has hit us and our timelines in way that we nevr thut of. Plab1 will b expired in 3 years frm date of passing but i am unable to comprehend that ielts expirry is still due in 2 yrs. We ave appeared in ielts way before plab1 so shudnt gmc let ppl register even if ielts expire gven the fact that there is delay due to corona. My life would be more easy if thy do something about it. I cn understand they cannot change the expiry date as ielts doesnt come under gmc bt they surely can facilitate candidates and regiser them without it. I mean takin the ielts again God forbid is haunting evryone of us more or less.
Ielts or OET will be acceptable even if it is expired if u pass plab 2 within time frame…howver there is no blanket approval for it for all…they will access every cases 1 by 1…pass exams and apply for GMC registration
I know many whose ielts got expired and they got gmc registration last week with ielts expired for 5 months or 6 months