Counter-indicate in children under 2 years of #trimebutine (Débridat and generic)

Counter-indicate in children under 2 years of #trimebutine (Débridat and generic).

:black_small_square: the national agency for the safety of medicine and health products (#Msna) has carried out a re-evaluation of the benefit / risk ratio of specialties based on trimebutine alone (Débridat and generic). At the end of this re-Evaluation, the, débricalm and other reassessments are now counter-indicated in children under 2 years old.

:black_small_square: the pharmacovigilance data evaluation of the shows a profile of side effects dominated by #skin and #immune _ allergic effects. #Neurological effects (Thrombocytopenia, seizures) and #heart (bradycardia) have also been reported in case of overdose and related to drug errors, especially in the baby.

:point_right: this is why, due to the low level of proof of effectiveness and the risk of serious side effects in this age group, Specialties Based on trimebutine are now counter-indicated in children under 2 years old . The update of all amm is in progress to include this new information.

:pushpin: the reminds us that health professionals must immediately report any side effects that they are known to be due to a drug they know at the regional pharmacovigilance centre. Patients and approved patient associations can also report any side effects to their regional pharmacovigilance centre.

© Facebook page: Medicine Science
Section: #Pharmaco _ vigilance
Signed Doctor Lahbib, pharmacist

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