Dangers of child addiction for smart devices

Dangers of child addiction for smart devices

Smart devices have become an important place in our children’s lives. Most children of their age spend long hours in front of smartphones or tablets. While these devices play a good role in developing some of the skills of young children, but the negative impact of electronic devices addiction to children requires the mother to control the number of hours of their exposure.

The Dangers of electronic devices addiction to children, Dr. Eric will, a co-partner of the British society of psychology and a fellow of the British Royal Society of medicine, indicates that little children can be attached to tablets and smartphones that are still Growing up. Will adds that long-term exposure to children at an early age hampers the development of their abilities, especially the ability to focus, attention, communicate, feel others and build new vocabulary, skills that parents often seek to develop Bring them to their children by leaving them in front of smart devices for extended periods. It can be said that in order for children to benefit from smart devices, parents should devote a specific period of time to each child, for example between birth and third year, children’s minds develop quickly and be especially sensitive to the surrounding environment With them, in order for the brain to grow naturally during this period, the child needs specific incentives from the external environment. Therefore, when the little ones spend too long in front of the screen and don’t get enough of these needed incentives from the real world around them, it affects their development, and if that happens in the critical early years of the child’s life, their results Negativity can last with him forever.

Tips to reduce the use of smart devices with smart devices with the significant intersection of smart devices in all our lives in general, and in educational and entertainment methods for children in particular, you can no longer prevent your children from being exposed to smart devices, Also, despite the negative effects of early and excessive use such as health, balance and future intellectual, cultural and professional activities, they contribute to improving the acquisition of knowledge and contributing to the formation of their idea. That’s why you need to help your children use these devices for a short time and in a smart way, to avoid the serious damage caused by them and so that they can spend more time interacting with others, allowing them to learn better By Applying the following rules: reduce the time of children’s exposure to smart devices: do not show children under the age of years to smart devices. For children aged to years less than one hour a day in front of smart devices. Make sure you don’t turn the time for children from to years old in front of smart device screens to be part of their daily routine. Keep free times from all screens daily, especially those where the family meets for food, and those for reading books. Avoid exposure of children to screens at least one hour before bed, to ensure that the body can release the melatonin that helps sleep easily. Reduce the risk of exposure to smart devices: make sure you exist while children use smart devices, and share them in watching or playing. Be aware of the content that children watch on different tv channels, and give priority to educational and interactive content, and programs that suit your children’s age group. Use an effective strategy to teach the little ones to self-organize, maintain calm, and limit any activity they do. Use smart devices and activate healthy alternatives: make sure to evaluate your child’s current habits when using smart devices, then create a family plan about where, when and how all children should follow when using smart devices. Remember that the higher your child’s exposure to the smart screen, it means losing their chances of learning and learning. Carefully organized your child’s schedule to include useful, healthy and loving activities to his heart, such as reading, outdoor play, and creative activities such as painting and music. Make sure to close your smart devices when they’re not in use.

In the end, we assure you dear mother that if your child is spending long hours in front of smart devices screens, it is never too late, you just have to start applying the previous rules to protect against the harmful effects of electronic devices for children.