I have been allotted a seat in AI round 1. If I go for upgradation, and get a seat in AI round2 …Do I have to take it or can leave and attend round 2 of state counselling?
Yes you can leave AIQ R2 seat to join state R2
PS :You cannot hold(join) a AIQ seat n then attend state R2
if your seat doesnt get upgraded after AIQ R1 then that’s your final seat you cannot leave it
In WB if we resign state R1 seat for all India R2 we can participate further in State?
If you are leaving state r1 and joining ai r2 anyways you cant resign your joined ai r2 seat mam. So this question wont arise. AI r2 seat would be your final seat.
please clarify if am not upgraded in round 2 aiq but resign within 2 days can i be able to attend the mop up round?
kindly reply…if i resign my AIQ round 1 seat in West Bengal before feb 3rd,do i have to pay 5 lakhs penalty?
sure, why not
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