Does anybody have any ideas or help for me i’ve been on prednisone

Does anybody have any ideas or help for me i’ve been on prednisone and it clears it up but then it comes right back as well as I’ve tried ointments and I’m waiting to get approved for Dupintex
and it’s been very emotionally stressing it’s caused me to have flaky sheets in the morning
I’m under so much stress because of this I don’t work I don’t go to school I don’t even leave my house anymore

Are you eating everything ??

Stop gluten dairy nuts soy sesame corn immediately.

For 15 days.

Then add 1 by 1 these with gap of 10 days and see what ur body takes and what your body rejects.

You will know ur Major triggers

I tried that and I went on a water fast too but not for 15 days im going to try this

You are addicted to steroids. Google topical steroid withdrawal. Steroids shrink tiny blood vessels under the skin. Your body relies on it and does not make cortisol. When you stop steroids your blood vessels get inflamed and stretch. Tiny ones crack and leak a little blood = red circle spots. It takes weeks without steroids for blood vessels to get back to normal. If you go back on steroids or Dupixent it will get better a little but when you stop them it will get bad again. Moisturizers, diets don’t help. You need something anti-inflammatory.

I thought that too but I have a question even if I haven’t used them in a while does this still happen and why ?