Does doxycycline cause diarrhoea? should I need to continue doxycycline or start loperamide for diarrhoea?

Does doxycycline cause diarrhoea? should I need to continue doxycycline or start loperamide for diarrhoea?

Stop Doxy. Use loperamide sparingly.

Use doxy + lactobacillus combination.

Use Norfloxacin nd tinadazole combination

Continue Doxy and start giving Sporlac DS or Darolac once daily

Use VSL #3 capsule OD for 5 days and try Metrogyl 400 OD for 3 days.

Loperamide should not be used for antibiotics induced diarrhea. Use Lactobacillus with doxycycline

Ofloxacin + Oz



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