Dr. Sreeparna Chakraborty Neet pg'22 rank - 23k

Hello everyone! This is Dr. Sreeparna Chakraborty

Neet pg’22 rank - 23k

Neet PG’23 rank - 165

It has been quite a journey from my father getting ill 2 months before exams to my grandfather passing away a few days before my exams. I used to sit each night beside my grandfather solving custom modules so that my father could sleep in peace. Life isn’t fair but I knew I had to go on. So I did. Being from a lower middle class family I knew this was gonna be my last attempt n I cannot spare any more years for preparation so I gave everything into this. And the results are right in front of you.

Marrow GTs are just gold standard to the extent that questions are directly repeated from there in the neet pg paper itself. And this year was no exception.

To anyone reading this,I hope you keep believing in yourself and just know YOU CAN! !

If not you,who? If not now,when?